A Non-Profit Fund Raising Organization for Jupiter Environmental Research and Field Studies Academy at Jupiter High School

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"Because the living environment is what really sustains us."
E OÂ Wilson
Partnership for Environmental Education at a Glance
Here at Partnership for Environmental Education, our mission is to receive and administer funds to Jupiter Environmental Research and Field Studies Academy for the purpose of engaging, promoting, and supporting environmental education, environmental stewardship, and responsible citizens.

With our organization’s mission always in mind, we strive to find new strategies for raising funds to support Jupiter Environmental Research and Field Studies Academy, or JERFSA as we call it. Our biggest fund raiser is the annual Riverbend Park 5K Green Run/Walk. It is held in the month of February at the beautiful Riverbend Park here in Jupiter, Florida.

Support Us
We would love to have YOUR support. All the volunteers of the Partnership for Environmental Education are dedicated to supporting the students in the Jupiter Environmental Research and Field Studies Academy. With the support of businesses and people like you we are able to provide funds for this award winning educational program.

Get Involved
With this initiative, our goal is to promote great opportunities for all the students in the Jupiter Environmental Research and Field Studies Academy. With access to the right resources, students can become empowered by their own abilities and gain the confidence to fulfill their potential. How can you help? Contact us and let us know.

Margaret Mead
"We don't have a society if we destroy the environment"